Workplace Accidents Reporting & Prevention

Volume 5, Issue 2, April – June 2022 

Workplace Accidents Reporting & Prevention

Pooja Dewangan
Manager (HR & Admin.), RNSN Seriate Private Limited

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Workplace accident Results huge losses of organization. If a worker is harmed in the workplace, he or she may have to take time off of work and moral decrease of their colleague employee. This Totally impacts to organization business in term of reduce productivity, penalty impose by court or respective government representative, poor reputation in market etc. Accident at work place can occur due to fall, Slip, Trip or contact with rotating parts or body parts contact with live equipment or exposure of other potential sources of harm. In This Study, a survey has been conducted in different office to cause of potential accident and how to prevent them.

KEYWORD: Safety, Accident Reporting, Accident Prevention, Work Place Accident, Work place Safety

Objective: Objective to conduct study and publish this paper is know the workplace accident Prevention method and know the benefits of reporting the accident.

1. Introduction

According to International Labor Office statistics, there are 120 million work-related injuries occur worldwide each year. Every day more than 500 men or women are unable to return home because they die in workplace accidents. Accident reporting & Prevention is very important tool to control work place risk and reduce or eliminate to cost that arise due to accident. It is important to report all work-related injuries, as they can turn what seemed minor at the time into serious consequences, leading to long-term injury and illness. Failure to report may put other workers at risk of similar accidents. Reporting enables us to conduct an investigation, determine the cause, and take action to prevent a recurrence. Accident and incident reporting is an important aspect of monitoring or measuring safety performance, enabling organizations to learn from mistakes and improve health and safety through investigation. It is imperative that employers establish a workplace reporting system for all accidents and incidents, dangerous occurrences, illnesses and near misses of all employees, contractors and visitors. Accident reports may also prompt law enforcement investigations, depending on the severity of the injury that occurred or could occur.

Every workplace wants to minimize accidents. But sometimes it happens. It is important to report and record any incident, no matter how minor. If anyone injured on the job, you must report the accident to your workplace as soon as possible. Each workplace has its own process and reporting system for incidents. It is important to familiarize yourself with the company’s processes. Accident prevention includes everything that is done to save lives, prevent injuries, reduce the severity of injuries, prevent property damage, reduce medical and compensation costs, and prevent loss of working hours and morale. 

2. Workplace Accidents

Work place accident occurs due to human error and availability of potential sources of harm. When person make mistake then he can expose through potential sources of harm that is known as hazard. Accident can result in a heavy money cost to both the organisation and the workers involved. Talking about injury is essential to every pre-work safety meeting. worker should know how and why accidents happen at the workplace and what they can do to avoid them. Workers should report to every accident of their work place. A safety meeting is the best place to familiarize workers with workplace accident reporting plan and action.

Most Common workplace related accident are:

  • Fall, Trips & Slips
  • Being Struck by Or Caught in moving machinery/ equipment
  • Fire and Explosions
  • Electrocution
  • Vehicle Related Accidents
  • Repetitive Stress, work related upper/ Lower limb disorder
  •  Illness due to their occupation (Job)

3. Work Place Accident Reporting

Reporting is important steps to control future accident. On based of Reporting needful action will be taken. Reporting depend on culture of organization.

Effective culture of workplace always help to report incident positively. On based of Reporting, Committee will be constituted to investigate to accident. Incident investigate to identify root cause and to know failure and ensure ensure corrective Preventing measure to prevent future accident. To ensure effective reporting, organization must prepare Accident reporting Program and ensure its conformance. Reporting also require to report unsafe acts & unsafe condition. This is Proactive Approach that help to  control work place risk to prevent accident

4. Accident Prevention

To prevent Accident, need to Prepare and conduct different program including Accident Reporting Program. Reporting help to identify and develop such strategies that help to control to accident. Through reporting, we investigate to accident and ensure corrective/ Preventing action to prevent similar accident.

Accident Prevention is very important to success business.

Reporting is part of effective safety management system. Several element or group of approach use to develop safe healthy work culture to prevent accident and which is Reporting. If any Near miss or incident or accident occur then we try to found to gaps or reason that resulted accident.

4.1 Develop a Safe Work place

  • Keep an orderly workplace.  Poor procedure can cause serious health and safety hazards. The layout of the workplace should have adequate egress routes and be free of refuse.
  • Inspect vehicles before and after use. Drive Safely.
  • Continually cultivate a safety standard.
  • Rotating parts of equipment must be guarded
  • Tools or equipments use at workplace must be good working condition
  • Report to unsafe Acts & Unsafe Condition
  • Pay attention to workstation
  • Need to conduct Training
  • Take adequate measure as require at your work place.

4.2 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE’s)

PPE’s not eliminate to hazard but this minimize or reduce the severity of harm.

Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE’s) help to control risk. PPE’s Includes Safety Helmet, Safety Shoes, Safety Glass, Apron, Full body harness, Leather gloves, Rubber gloves, Cotton Gloves, Ear Plug, Ear muf etc. PPE’s should be Suitable & good quality. All personal protective Equipments (PPE’s) must be properly maintained, clean and reliable. Employers must ensure that they are safely designed and constructed for their function and use. It should fit comfortably so that the user is protected and can work efficiently.

5. Conclusion

Workplace accidents happen any times due to ineffective enforcement of Safety management system. Accident results severe injuries even fatalities or organizational harm. Accident Totally impacts to business of any organization. Cost of accident may be to much high that we can not expect. Cost of Accident may be several times more than visible and this is known as indirect cost. Work place accident must be prevented through effective safety control measure. Reporting is also parts to control work place risk. Reporting help to know the cause of accident through further investigation and ensure future effective corrective and prevention to similar accident. Accident reporting is parts of accident prevention.


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