Formerly International Journal of Institution of Safety Engineers (India) was Publishing by ZJEW Trust (Non-Profitable organisation, Regd. Under public Trust Act, Govt. of Bihar, Govt. Reg. No. 5240) in association with its unit Institution of Safety Engineers (India). Now International Journal of Institution of Safety Engineers (India) is Publish by Institution of Safety Engineers (India), Regd. under Sec. 8 of Companies Act 2013, MCA Govt. of India. Institution of Safety Engineers (India) publishing online Journal since 2018 on name of International Journal of Institution of Safety Engineers (India). Journal publish in four Issue in every year i.e one issue in every three month. International Journal of Institution of Safety Engineers (India) is also known as International Journal of Institution of Safety Engineers India (IJISEI). In short form it is known as IJISEI. IJISEI manage and Publish by Institution of Safety Engineers (India).
Objective to publish this Journal is to share information and knowledge among researcher, Professional and organization. Such Journal helps to grow their professional carrier, used for research purpose. Safety, Health & Environment related Journal is very helpful for professional, Institutional, organizational to learn and implement effective system to Prevent Accident, Protect environment and minimize losses during Disaster. IJISEI Published Paper, share on social media and other platform through access link to create Safety awareness among society people, organisation, Institution to prevent fire accident, road accident, saving natural resources with objective to achieve its Target zero harm.
IJISEI not accept paper in copyright or copied form. Submitted manuscript should be own original work and this paper should not been published in the same form elsewhere and any copyright form earlier. Paper will be peer reviewed by qualified reviewer (Board Member) and in case of acceptance, it will be publish online (free access) free of cost.