Electricity is a fundamental and essential form of energy in modern society. However, it poses significant risks to both human life and property. The study of risk control related to electricity aims to mitigate these risks by identifying and assessing. Effective risk control related to electricity requires a comprehensive understanding of electrical systems and the hazards associated with them. This understanding must be coupled with proper training and education for individuals who work with or are exposed to electrical systems.
Workplace accident Results huge losses of organization. If a worker is harmed in the workplace, he or she may have to take time off of work and moral decrease of their colleague employee. This Totally impacts to organization business in term of reduce productivity, penalty impose by court or respective government representative, poor reputation in market etc. Accident at work place can occur due to fall, Slip,
Workplace accident Results huge losses of organization. If a worker is harmed in the workplace, he or she may have to take time off of work and moral decrease of their colleague employee. This Totally impacts to organization business in term of reduce productivity, penalty impose by court or respective government representative, poor reputation in market etc. Accident at work place can occur due to fall, Slip, Trip or contact with rotating parts or body parts contact with live equipment or exposure of other potential sources of harm …
In Industries, Several Method use to handling material from one location to other location in which one method is material handling through conveyor. Conveyor saves manpower, increase efficiency, save time and complete task safely. Conveyor has many positive benefits including few negative impacts whenever person come in contact with conveyor rotating parts during operation then this results accidents …
Volume 4, Issue 3, July – September 21 Case Study Of Incident Due To Power Tripping From Incomer Sourav ChakrabortyB.Tech (Elec. Engineering), SMISE Email id: souravc618@gmail.com Abstract Case study is procedure to describe details of incident to find existed gaps that was cause of result of accident. Case study of This Incident has been carried out to know the factor …
Volume 4, Issue 3, July – Sept. 21 Safety Audit in any Organisation Shahnawaz RampuriPhD (Scholar), Arunodya University – Arunachal Pradesh Email id: shahnawaz.rampuri2@gmail.com Abstract Industries are major sources of economy development of country and create employment opportunities. Industries have positive & Negative impacts. Negative impacts arises due to not follow safety Rules, Procedures & guides. Hazard identification is major …
Volume 4, Issue 3, July – September 21 Study For Calculating The Amount Of Water To Be Stored In The Pharmaceutical Industry For Tackling The Emergency Situation Like Fire Dr. A. Yudhistra KumarStudent Member –IEEE, Research Scholar VISTAS Chennai Email id: yudhistrakumar@gmail.com Abstract Considering the hazardous nature in the pharmaceutical industry (API), a study has been conducted to calculate the …
Volume 4, Issue 2, April – June 21 IoT For Safe Handling Liquid Metals 1Praveen SankarasubramanianStudent Member –IEEE, Research Scholar VISTAS Chennai 1Email id: praveengrb@gmail.com 2Dr. En GaneshDean, School of Engineering, VISTAS Chennai 2Email id: enganesh50@gmail.com Abstract Liquid metals are widely used components in chemical industries and nuclear reactors. Handling of liquid metals are crucial. Corrosion, Pressure can deteriorate the …
Volume 4, Issue 2, April – June 21 Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle: The Goal towards Continuity Sougata ChakrabortyFire & Safety student, Durgapur Institute for Fire Safety and Management (DIFSM), Durgapur Email id: sougatachakraborty17@gmail.com Abstract On account of the day to day rapid increase in competition for consumer markets has led many companies to re-evaluate their operations. In the search for the …
Volume 4, Issue 2, April – June 21 Case Study Regarding Material Handling Sourav ChakrabortyB.Tech (Elec. Engineering), SMISE Email id: souravc618@gmail.com Abstract Case Study is important analysis to identify cause of accident and ensure safety control measure of such accident to prevent future accident. Case study also shares during training or meeting or other program among employees to aware them. …